
Brownies, Silence, and Words of Wisdom: Enhancing the Georgetown Experience

The Chaplains and Jesuits-in-Residence at Georgetown are what separate us from other high caliber universities—that, and apparently Lauinger’s Special Collections.

The Chaplains and Jesuits-in-Residence make themselves readily available, and are more than just spiritual advisors and listening ears. Many of them are friends—friends to me and many students. I have cried, shared meals, received words of wisdom, and had many laughs with many Georgetown Chaplains-in-Residence.

Nothing beats Campbell’s brownies (or the effect they likely had on my blood sugar), considering having just one was never enough.

Mary’s ability to be a source of guidance is remarkable, even without words during last year’s silent retreat.

And “Milkshakes with Michelle” always becomes more than merely dessert with friends. Michelle provides her own life reflections and is extremely adept at addressing and understanding challenges we face as both students and people in general. She is always a breath of fresh air.

The Jesuits prove religious life and fun are far from mutually exclusive. Good conversation with men whose introspection has brought them wisdom is a privilege, and I thank the Jesuits for their company. My time spent with Chaplains and Jesuits has undoubtedly enhanced my Georgetown experience and is one of the many things that makes me grateful for the opportunity to attend Georgetown.

Maggie McGoldrick, COL ’16
