Catholic Ministry at Georgetown
Catholic Ministry is part of a centuries-old heritage of Catholic and Jesuit traditions, kept alive by our community. We in Catholic Ministry are here for our students and will continue to do what we always do: provide experiences of faith in community. Our chaplains and ministry staff are here to serve you and accompany you through the highs and lows of your Georgetown career. We are eager to connect students to the transformative communities and experiences that will enrich your time at Georgetown. We have many opportunities available for you.
- Check out our retreats, music ministry, prayer resources, and Catholic faith communities.
- Look at the Catholic Campus Ministry Student Organizations like Knights of Columbus and Catholic Women at Georgetown
- Stay connected with us! Like our Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date.
Daily Devotionals:
Catholic Retreats
Looking for ways to connect with other Hoyas, reflect, have fun, and grow in your faith? Sign up for Georgetown’s Catholic retreats!
Explore Catholic RetreatsMusic Ministry
Music is strongly integrated into Catholic life in the form of worship and prayer practices. Catholic Music Ministry at Georgetown encourages students to get involved in a large variety of musical genres and traditions, welcoming those of all ages, majors, musical experiences, and religious backgrounds. The only requirement is a love for music. Should you have any questions, or to express your interest in participating, please email Dr. Russell Weismann, Liturgical Music Director and Organist at
Explore Music MinistryJohn Main Center for Christian Contemplation
The John Main Center for Christian Contemplation (JMC) was established at Georgetown University in 2005. Located in Anne Marie Becraft Hall, the JMC offers a range of Christian contemplative practices, including the particular Christian meditation practice advanced by Fr. John Main, OSB (1926-1982).
Explore the John Main CenterServices Schedule
Unless otherwise noted, all services take place in Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart.
Fall 2024 Mass Schedule
- Sunday Mass | 11 AM, 6 PM, 8 PM, 10 PM | Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart
- Monthly Sunday Mass in Spanish | 4 PM, Dates TBA | Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart
- Weekday (Monday through Friday) Mass | 12:10 PM | Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart
- Weekday (Monday through Thursday) Student-Only Mass | 9 PM | Copley Crypt Chapel
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament | Wednesday After 12:10 Mass Until 3 PM | Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart. (Benediction: First Wednesday of the Month at 2:50 PM)
- Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions) | Wednesday from 7 PM to 8 PM | Dahlgren Chapel Sacristy
- Ecumenical Evening Prayer (in the style of Taizé) | Wednesday at 8 PM | Hawkins Hall Ecumenical Chapel
Meet Our Team
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