Dahlgren Chapel of The Sacred Heart

Dahlgren Chapel interior

Dedicated in 1893, Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart is a century younger than Georgetown University itself, but it is old enough to have become the physical embodiment of a deep faith and spiritual sustenance at the nation’s oldest Catholic University. Dahlgren Chapel is a haven of tranquility and repose, acting as the spiritual heart of the Georgetown community. In this sacred space, generations of students, faculty, staff and alumni have attended Mass, exchanged sacred vows at weddings, found reconciliation in confessions, were baptized into the faith or simply stole a quiet moment to recenter their lives.

Dahlgren Chapel, surrounded on three sides by Georgetown’s oldest buildings to form Dahlgren Quadrangle, is not only one of the campus’s iconic structures but also a historic local landmark. Here, worshipers open up to a deep sense of holiness and prayer when coming together in community as the Body of Christ.

Join Dr. Jim Wickman, Director of Catholic Life, for a brief tour of the chapel, including a look at its history and its significance in the development of the Catholic Church in the United States.

Use the Georgetown University map  for directions.