Affiliated Protestant Ministries
For information about becoming an Affiliated Protestant Ministry at Georgetown University, please contact us at Applications are assessed by the Council of Affiliated Ministries throughout the academic year.
Asian Baptist Student Koinonia
Watch the Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK) welcome video, ASBK at Georgetown.
Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK) is an Affiliated Protestant Ministry at Georgetown focused on making the Christian faith relevant to Asian American undergraduate and graduate students through Bible Study and fellowship with one another. At ABSK, you will find a group of students that endeavor to experience life to its fullest by loving God and loving one another in true fellowship. We love to study God’s Word, eat together, play sports, or simply hang out and get to know each other. Join us this semester for Bible studies and Sunday gatherings!
For more information about ABSK Undergrad please email James Kim at
Asian Baptist Student Koinonia Grad
Asian Baptist Student Koinonia Grad (ABSK) is a Christian fellowship composed of students from across the various graduate and professional schools at Georgetown who seek to know and love Jesus Christ as we share our lives together. ABSK is focused on making the Christian faith relevant to Asian-American students through Bible studies, fun fellowship and activities (and good food too)! Whether you’re looking for a spiritual home or are curious about what this Christianity thing is all about, you’re invited to join us.
For more information about ABSK Grad please email Mickey Choe at
Chi Alpha Campus Ministry
Watch the Chi Alpha welcome video, I Found My Home in Chi Alpha.
Chi Alpha is an interdenominational Christian community for DC college students. Each of us who takes on the identity of “Christian” becomes Christ’s ambassador – or ‘christou apostoloi’ in Greek, which we shorten to the first letters “Chi” and “Alpha” or XA.
However, to sum us up, it comes down to three words: Jesus, Purpose & Community. We believe in Jesus, trust Him to define our purpose and we believe that faith is best experienced and explored in the context of community.
Watch the video below to hear what students have to say about being involved in Chi Alpha or follow us on Instagram.
For more information about Chi Alpha please email Rev. Blane Young at
Campus Outreach
Through evangelism and discipleship, CODC passionately reaches students with the gospel and helps establish them in their walk to become mature followers of Christ. The ministry possesses a deep commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. CODC was founded under the supervision of Capitol Hill Baptist Church with the simple vision of “Glorifying God by Building Laborers on the Campus for the Lost World”.
For more information about Campus Outreach please email Paul Billings at
Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO)
The CCO is a campus ministry that partners with Great Commission Community Church to equip men and women who, having experienced new and abundant life through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, live out their Christian faith in the world. CCO’s ministry at Georgetown, H2O, helps college students find a home in Christ and grow in their love for Jesus and their neighbor. On campus, H2O holds gatherings focusing on discipleship, prayer, and worship.
For more information about CCO please email Jim Hagan at or Wayne Chen at
The Georgetown Presbyterian Church
Inspired by the Reformed tradition, Georgetown Presbyterian Church lives at the intersection of centuries of tradition and energetic, current engagement with the city and the world. They gather, young and old, across the political spectrum, and from throughout the DC Metro area, in the hope of worshiping God together and being a community of faith and witness. Located at 3115 P Street NW, Washington, DC.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship – Undergrad
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is an ecumenical and interdenominational Christian community committed to pursuing the fullness of life in Christ and growing in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture, and God’s purposes in the world. We are a group where questions and doubts are welcome and where we pursue a relationship with Jesus that really means something for the way we live: faith that is active, risk-taking, and growing. We do this both on campus with our weekly meetings and off-campus with our Spring Break Urban Plunge in DC’s Anacostia neighborhood, summer Chapter Camp at Lake Champion, and so many other great opportunities!
For more information about InterVarsity-undergrad, please email Vivian Young at
InterVarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship
IV Graduate meets weekly on campus for Bible Study, fellowship, and prayer, monthly with graduate students from five other Washington, DC universities. We have monthly service projects and special meetings with Christian grad students from other universities, where we help each other integrate our Christian faith with our academic studies.
For more information about IV Graduate, please email Vivian Young at
Every Nation Campus (ENC)
Every Nation Campus is a campus ministry that serves college students in the DC Metropolitan area. We are based out of Grace Covenant Church, and a part of an international family of churches and ministries called Every Nation.
For more information about ENC please email Jacob Yim at