Archive: Reflections

358 Articles


Georgetown 5K Race Against Homelessness

 Although the sky was cloudy and threatened rain all day, the 4th annual Georgetown 5K Race Against Homelessness welcomed hundreds of runners and walkers for a few laps through…

April 24, 2017


What We Carry With Us: Part of the “As This Jesuit Sees It” Series

Written by Fr. Matthew Carnes, S.J., an Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Latin American Studies  at Georgetown University. This article originally appeared…

April 12, 2017


Revolutions of the Heart: Part of the “As This Jesuit Sees It” Series

Written by Fr. Gregory Schenden, S.J., the Roman Catholic Chaplain at Georgetown University. This article originally appeared on March 31st, 2017, in the Hoya and can be found…

April 5, 2017


Remembering Fr. Rick Curry, S.J.

It was a typical Sunday evening in Dahlgren Chapel, the Chapel Choir was busy rehearsing for the 9:30pm Mass, and student coordinators were preparing for the liturgy. As I was…

March 18, 2017


When Things Come Up: Part of the “As This Jesuit Sees It” Series

Written by Rev. Matthew Carnes S.J., an associate professor of Government and Director of the Center for Latin American Studies. This article originally appeared on March, …

March 16, 2017


Finding Nachas at the Jewish Life Retreat

Something we love talking about here at Georgetown is “cura personalis,” or care of the whole person. What exactly does this mean? For some, it refers to self-care: taking…

March 3, 2017


Manresa: A Time of Recharge, Reflection and Retreat

“In order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion.” I can’t help but feel a rush of joy when my dark, lifeless phone suddenly comes to life…

March 3, 2017


Ash Wednesday: A Reminder of Beauty and Tension

Repent, and believe in the Gospel. The words burrow their way into my mind as Fr. Greg Schenden, S.J. imposes ash across my forehead. It feels auspicious sitting alongside my…

March 3, 2017


Cura Personalis Ad Salutem Hominum

The last event of this year’s Jesuit Heritage Week featured a panel discussion on the meaning and value of a Jesuit education from the perspective of an administrator, a…

February 21, 2017


It takes a Village (A): Life on the Hilltop for Chaplains and their Families

If you live in Village A, you might occasionally see something out of place. On days when the weather is warm and the sun shines, two small girls, dressed as carefree princesses,…

February 21, 2017