Archive: Reflections
358 Articles
- Reflections
Dharmic Students Reflect on Consecration of Dharmālaya
Earlier in November, during the day of Dīpāvali, Diwālī, Bandi Chhor Diwas (the Festival of Lights for Dharmic communities) the opening empowerment ceremonies – Dharm…
November 18, 2021
- Reflections
Students Reflect on the Patriarchal Visit
On Monday, Oct. 25, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and senior hierarch to more than 250 million Orthodox Christians…
November 9, 2021
- Reflections
A New Normal for Residential Ministry
It’s hard to believe, but after a year and a half where there were only a small fraction of the undergraduate students living on campus, everyone is finally back this. …
September 8, 2021
- Reflections
Our Cannonball Moment: Reflections From Athletics
Tony Mazurkiewicz, Chaplain for Athletics During my third day of a 10-day quarantine as a result of exposure to a student-athlete who tested positive for Covid-19, I received a…
April 9, 2021
- Reflections
Pandemic Provides Former Student-Athlete Opportunity for RCIA and Connection to Her Grandmother
While COVID-19 brought many terrible things, there was a silver lining for me. The pandemic provided me the time and opportunity that I had been waiting for to be able to go…
April 8, 2021
- Reflections
Finding God in (Virtual) Spiritual Formation
When the pandemic struck last spring and all of our in-person retreats were canceled, I naturally felt a deep sense of loss for our students. While I acknowledged and honored my…
February 3, 2021
- Reflections
There’s No One Age to Celebrate Becoming A Bat Mitzvah
On January 6, the Jewish Life community celebrated a virtual joint Bat Mitzvah. Read about the friendships formed, the logistical challenges, and the “holy chutzpah” from the…
February 2, 2021
- Reflections
Reflections from a Sit-At-Home Rabbi
One of my favorite books is called Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There. The book is by Sylvia Boorstein, author of the equally powerful work, Funny You Don’t Look Buddhist:…
December 8, 2020
- Reflections
Finding Connection and Grounding through Contemplation in Daily Life
This past October, Campus Ministry offered a new program to all Georgetown students called Contemplation in Daily Life. The program offered opportunities to engage in…
November 24, 2020
- Reflections
Consoling the Community: Meditation with the John Main Center
Lisa Directo Davis, program director for the John Main Center for Meditation and Interreligious Dialogue (JMC), and her team of student leaders continued to offer their virtual…
September 3, 2020