Mass Schedule
Monday through Friday Mass | 12:10 PM | Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart (Last 12:10 PM Mass of the semester, Fri., Dec. 15).
Monday through Thursday Student-Only Mass | 9:00 PM | Copley Crypt Chapel (Last Student-Only Mass of the semester, Thurs., Dec. 14).
Taizé Ecumenical Evening Prayer | Tuesdays, 8:00 PM | Hawkins Hall Ecumenical Chapel (Last Taizé Evening Prayer of the semester, Tues. Dec. 12).
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament | Wednesday afternoons, following 12:10 Mass, until 4:00 PM | Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart (Last Adoration of the semester, Wed., Dec. 6).
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual Confessions) | Wednesday, 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM | Dahlgren Chapel Sacristy (Last Individual Confessions of the semester, Wed. Dec. 13).
(Students are welcome to schedule confessions outside of this time individually with Jesuits by contacting them directly)
To see a full schedule of all Campus Ministry gatherings and services, please visit our Campus Ministry Religious Services Calendar.