Sister Celeste Mokrzycki

Sister Celeste Mokrzycki, the chaplain for the School of Nursing and the School of Health is a Sister of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia.  In New Jersey and Philadelphia, Sister Celeste ministered in various parishes as a pastoral associate for liturgy, family life, bereavement, spirituality, RCIA and young adults. She served on the Newark Diocesan Liturgy Board, the Saint Elizabeth Spirituality Board and the Fig Orchard, an interfaith educational organization and holds degrees in pastoral counseling, art, and a certification in spiritual accompaniment. As vocation director for her congregation, Sister Celeste loved accompanying young adults who were seeking a life of deeper meaning, a sense of belonging, or greater happiness. At Georgetown, she hopes to do the same by offering herself to anyone, staff, or student, who desires to encounter God in the events of their lives, needs a listening ear, or just wants a lighthearted moment.  As an artist who creates paintings reflecting her inner self, she believes art can bring us into a deeper relationship with ourselves, others, and God whether we consider ourselves artists or not. Her hope is to offer creative opportunities to explore the relationship between spirituality and art, release any stress or anxiety or just have fun creating!