
A Letter From Fr. Kevin OBrien About Ramadan

Dear students and alumni in our Georgetown Muslim community, 
Ramadan Mubarak!
As you begin your holy month, I recognize that many of you are away from campus, your home at Georgetown. Even though we are separated by miles, I write to assure you of the prayerful solidarity of the wider Georgetown community in your time of prayer, fasting, and service. Such disciplines resonate deeply in other faith traditions dedicated to the same observances during their own holy days.  All are ways of drawing closer to God and one another. 
One common prayer that we all can offer is for peace — in the lands that are holy to Muslims, Jews, and Christians — and in our own country. The tragic news of the hate-filled violence in Charleston yesterday only makes more urgent those prayers and the dialogue that follows. 
May our prayer and fasting together bring us closer to the God we call by different names and remind us of the faith community which unites us, and the common service we are called to give in the best of our Jesuit tradition of education.

Rev. Kevin O’Brien S.J. , Vice President for Mission & Ministry

Mission and Ministry