
A Light of Hope in the City that Never Sleeps

Photo Essay by Christianna Simon (H‘26)

Earlier this month, a group of Orthodox Christian students traveled to New York City, visiting the Ground Zero memorial and the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine. Hosted by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese and made possible by the generous support of loyal university donors, the pilgrimage offered students a chance to reflect on both the historical and spiritual significance of the sites. Through this photo essay, Christianna Simon (H’26) shares her personal experience of this meaningful journey.

The exterior and surroundings of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine in Lower Manhattan, New York City.

The exterior and surroundings of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine in Lower Manhattan, New York City. 

This first image is the outside of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine. I was compelled to take this photograph because it showcases the distinct beauty and light—both literally and figuratively—that the church brings to the community. The Orthodox church is in Lower Manhattan, New York City, which means that there are countless skyscrapers surrounding the church grounds. However, despite these impressive and taller displays of architecture and engineering all around, the church remains a conspicuous sanctuary for all. It emanates a light of hope for all to see, holding its own in the city that never sleeps.

The altar of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine in Lower Manhattan, New York City. 

The altar of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine in Lower Manhattan, New York City. 

This second image captures the view of the altar upon entering the church. Although this was my second visit, I was overwhelmed with awe at the beauty of the carved white marble, the traditional Byzantine paintings of Jesus and the Saints, and the breathtaking effect of sunlight streaming through the thin-cut marble. Growing up in the Greek Orthodox Church, I have learned that everything we do—whether action, word, or image—carries deep symbolism. As an amateur painter minoring in Art, I was especially drawn to the icons, which, while rooted in traditional Byzantine style, incorporate subtle modern adaptations. At the center is the icon of the Virgin Mary with arms outstretched over New York City; this is a unique depiction that symbolizes her protection over the city while receiving all who enter the church with open arms. 

The icon of the Resurrection in St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine in Lower Manhattan, New York City.

The icon of the Resurrection in St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine in Lower Manhattan, New York City. 

This third image depicts the traditional Byzantine icon of Christ’s triumph over death, shattering the doors of Hades and breaking the locks and chains that had bound the souls trapped within. However, what makes this icon at St. Nicholas unique is the inclusion of first responders among the Saints surrounding Jesus. Their presence serves as a tribute to the firefighters, police officers, and rescue workers who sacrificed their lives in the September 11th attacks. By depicting them alongside the Saints, the icon not only honors their heroism, but also offers a beautiful message of hope. The incorporation of modern events in traditional iconography was profoundly moving and will stay with me for years to come. 

Fr. Andreas explains the history of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine in Lower Manhattan, New York City.

Fr. Andreas explains the history of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine in Lower Manhattan, New York City. 

This fourth image is of Fr. Andreas Vithoulkas speaking to our group of Georgetown students and Campus Ministry chaperones. Fr. Andreas spoke to us about the meaning and history of the church. He discussed how the original St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church was the only house of worship destroyed during the tragic attack on September 11, 2001. This newly rebuilt church stands as a symbol of resilience, faith, and hope. Fr. Andreas shared how its reconstruction was not only about restoring a place of worship, but also about honoring the memory of those lost and providing a space for prayer, reflection, and unity. Hearing Fr. Andreas speak about the church’s history and significance deeply moved me, as I was reminded of the power of faith to bring healing, renewal, and a sense of community in the face of tragedy.

Five members of the pilgrimage outside the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine in Lower Manhattan, New York City.

A photograph of some members of the pilgrimage outside the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine in Lower Manhattan, New York City. From left to right: Irina Guo, Alina Watson, Becky Hay-Reed, Marina Quinterno, Sophia Farajallah, and Grace Molla. 

This last image is of a few of the other people who joined me on this incredible pilgrimage. Through this spiritually enriching experience where we visited a site that embodies both perseverance and steadfast faith, I was able to grow closer to so many people I had not known before. I am truly grateful to have formed this new community, bonding over shared faith, meaningful conversations, and moments of deep reflection. This pilgrimage not only strengthened my own faith, but also reminded me of the beauty of spiritual fellowship, leaving me with lasting memories and a renewed connection to both my Greek Orthodox roots and the Georgetown community.

Christianna Simon (H‘26) is pursuing a pre-medical Health Care Management major and an Art minor in the School of Health at Georgetown University. All photo credits are hers.

Orthodox Christian