
A Message for Ramadan from Imam Yahya Hendi

Dear sisters and brothers,

A-Salamu ‘Alaikum.

Let me start by invoking the Almighty God’s name, upon the world and our entire Ummah worldwide, and here at Georgetown University, by wishing all a Ramadan Mubarak.
Ramadan is here again and so once again we will be actively involved in Ibadat, or acts of devotion including fasting, prayers, Taraweeh, late night prayers, Qur’an recitation, and other good deeds. However, before we become too engaged in our Ibadat, let’s remember our larger goals for this month so that we can make the most of the coming days and weeks. Therefore, as part of our Ibadat and obedience to God this Ramadan, let us seek to improve our relationship with God and with each other, to get a broader perspective on doing good, to strive to excel in all good acts, and to making lasting positive changes in our inner and outer lives. Islam encourages us to constantly increase our levels of doing good and our commitment to the common good of all.

I send this message with much sadness in my heart concerning the circumstances of many of our Muslim communities worldwide, especially those in the Middle East hoping that the Almighty God will grant us the ability to recapture our love for God and others, as well as our ability to reclaim the beautiful message of Islam, a message of compassion and justice, from those who gave it a bad name, one of violence and hate.

Let us hope that this Ramadan will be a new start in that direction of passion for compassion. And remember this that you can be the change you hope to see, and this Ramadan could be just the start.

Ramadan Mubarak

Imam Yahya Hendi , Director for Muslim Life at Georgetown University
