
A Small Reminder of God’s Presence

I was uncertain about what I would get out of the Prayer in Daily Life Retreat . The thought of spending four days with just me and God, in what appeared to be silence, seemed daunting.

The first day or two, I tried to find meaning for the absence from God that I felt in that prayer period. As I analyzed my experience I was moved by my spiritual director to ask for an experience of God. I struggled with asking for that from God and wondered if that question was selfish – if I was wasting time I could be using to do work, be more involved in my clubs, or spend time in service. I knew cognitively that God had given me so much, how could I ask for more?

However, I asked for that grace and asked again and again. Mid-week, as I was rushing from one activity to the next, I started to notice the sounds of birds singing – one of my favorite Georgetown sounds (the best time to hear birds, by the way, is walking back from Lau to the Southwest Quad in the early morning hours). I stored this experience away and did not think too much of it at the time, but in spiritual direction I was guided to consider this as a type of answer to my prayer.

It was not grand – it was not dramatic – it did not even address my concerns about graduation and life after Georgetown that I had been thinking about during the week. But I was able to see something beautiful in my daily life, a reminder of God’s presence throughout the confusion of my future plans and my various concerns. I attribute that reminder of God’s presence to my experience with Prayer in Daily Life. By taking the time out of my day to be with God, I was more able and open to see God throughout my day. In waiting for God, I could experience that God comes like a “gentle whisper”, if I am open to receive.

Written by Caroline Musslewhite , C’16
