
Finding God’s Presence in Everyday Life

Eva Lucchino, COL’19 (second from left)

Eva Lucchino, COL’19, is an English major and history and theology minor. This year, she is serving the Hoya community as a Catholic Retreats Leader.

While junior year has definitely been the most challenging from an academic standpoint, it has also been my most rewarding semester at Georgetown so far.  I feel that my relationships at Georgetown, both with individuals and my club communities, have grown stronger and more fulfilling.  I believe that this deepening of relationships is due, in part, to my role as a Catholic Retreats Leader.

I led the Catholic First-Year Retreat Loyola as a sophomore and enjoyed experiencing my faith in community with others.  Being a leader last year caused me to reflect more about my experiences in the context of my faith, friendships, classes, and clubs.  As the school year came to a close last year I decided to apply to be a leader for the 2017-2018 academic year, because I wanted to help others by sharing my personal experiences with faith. I also wanted to continue to grow in my faith within the Georgetown community.

Loyola has provided me with a faith community, inspired me to reflect more often, and made me more aware of God’s presence in my daily life.  Being aware of God’s presence has been a comfort to me on the nights that I have to walk home at 2 am after studying and a joy when I am enjoying  a new book.  The Catholic retreats I’ve participated in will remain with me throughout my time at Georgetown as an encapsulation of what it means to be in a faith community at university and as an important step in my personal faith journey.
