Freshman Elijah Can Take On Any Challenge, Even COVID-19, As Long As His Dog Is With Him
After two weeks of virtual learning, students at Georgetown are beginning to find some stability in their new routines. For Elijah Hines, a freshman in the College who is planning to major in psychology and minor in Education, Inquiry, and Justice, stability can be found in moments when he walks his dog Nikko and reflects on his relationship with God.
“Getting outside with my dog is one of the only things that is keeping me from going absolutely crazy right now and it’s incredibly helpful to just be away from everyone except him for a while,” Hines said.
On Sundays at school, Hines would help facilitate Sunday Night Worship, the Protestant Ministry’s main service. Hines’ bond with God has always been strong and even despite the many concerns he has accrued over the past few weeks, he says he finds himself reaching out to God even more.
Hines says his main concern is the possibility of having to change his plans because of the pandemic. “I’ve had a summer job for the last 4-5 years and they may not have a position because of the virus shutting down the program.” In spite of this uncertainty, Hines says he finds hope by getting closer to God and not trying to control things around him. “By having to let go, I’ve had to put more hope in God that He is going to bring me to wherever He needs me to go in this world. I would definitely say that that sense of hope is newer due to our changing circumstances,” said Hines.
For so many freshmen their pandemic experience is causing them to reflect on how they will approach their sophomore year at Georgetown. Hines says that he is already thinking about how to stay better prepared for when he is allowed back on campus, starting with cultivating stronger relationships.
“For next year, I’m definitely making sure I engage with stronger connections while on campus. Having connections that can sustain themselves when distance comes into play is more important than I thought and it’s something I will be ready to develop next semester,” said Hines.
Wondering where Campus Ministry chaplains are finding comfort and hope? Watch Chaplain reflections as part of the Spiritual Continuity series. Follow the Campus Ministry Facebook page for more virtual program information.
by Paula Hong
Paula Hong is a senior in the College. She works at Campus Ministry as a member of the Ecumenical Team and attends Sunday Night Worship.