
Spending Time with HIM: Reflections from the Sisters and Daughters Retreat

When I received an email stating that there was more space available for the GU Sisters and Catholic Daughters Retreat, I really considered it.  Initially I had not considered going.  I had a paper due the following week as well as a midterm in economics and a prueba in Spanish.  I did not think I would have time to get everything done.  However, it brought me back to something I had reflected on during the time I spent with God in meditation during my Easter Break.  One night, I took a few hours out of my studying and just listened to worship music, prayed, and spent time with God.  It was at this moment that I realized that I had been limiting and rushing God.  I had been trying to fit him into my schedule rather than being open to simply spending time with Him.  It is this revelation that played a role in my decision to attend the GU Sisters and Catholic Daughters retreat.  Instead of trying to fit Him into my schedule, I would give Him my weekend leading up to my week of testing.
I did not know what to expect going into the retreat.  I knew there were activities planned, but I wasn’t sure what my first retreat experience at Georgetown would be like.  It was amazing.  I was able to bond with my fellow GU Sisters and I was also able to make new friends in the Catholic Daughters.  Some themes we discussed were faith at Georgetown, happiness and gratitude, forgiveness, and social media.  Although the activities and themes were great, it is the sense of peace and joy and the feeling of community that I remember most.  It was the fun icebreaker games, the late night talks with GU Sisters, the lunch and dinner time discussions, and all of the conversations in between.  It was this sense of peace and joy and the feeling of community that followed me back to Georgetown for my week of testing.
The GU Sisters and Catholic Daughters retreat following my time in meditation really allowed me to realign my life.  Going into midterm and finals, it allowed me to recenter God as the head of my life and rededicate to living my life for him on the Georgetown campus.  It renewed my strength and passion and gave me the break and refreshing time I needed to end my freshman year strong.
Written by Jonese Austin, F’19
Student Organizations