
Lessons in Leadership and Love: NJSLC 2014

The National Jesuit Student Leadership NJSLCConference (NJSLC) provided us with a unique opportunity to interact with other student governments and learn what issues are facing our peer universities. Some campuses were on a full-swing push to divest from fossil fuel companies. Others were taking on issues of mental health, a problem particularly acute at Georgetown with its “Sleep When You’re Dead” culture. Even more interesting were the numerous campaigns beginning across campuses for smoking bans. NJSLC gave us the context for the discourse currently capturing the attention of students at other Jesuit colleges and universities. We also learned some best practices for student engagement in student governments, lessons we’re sure to take back to the Hilltop.

On a more personal level, the conference encouraged us to consider thoughtful leadership. The theme of the conference, “First to Love,” inspired by a quote by Fr. Pedro Arrupe, framed discussions around vulnerability, service, and taking risks without the expectation of reward. We reflected on our true passions to better understand our purpose and we recognized the importance of capitalizing upon our own strengths in order to be the best versions of ourselves. As we enter senior year, we look forward to putting into practice the lessons we learned at NJSLC and engaging other students to do the same.

We both feel blessed to have had the chance to attend NJSLC 2014 and are deeply grateful to Campus Ministry and the Center for Student Engagement for making the trip possible.

Trevor Tezel & Omika Jikaria
Student Body President & VP

Student Organizations