
When Bad Weather Strikes: Luke 12:22-34

Weather BlogRecently I sat with a few of our upper-class HOYAS as we watched a late summer thunderstorm roll across our hilltop.  Sipping coffee together we discussed weather, worries and ways of coping.  Bad weather, in whatever form it comes, tends to make people worry (especially if you are stuck in a DC downstorm without an umbrella!).  Alternatively, we also tend to have a litany of things that we filter to the part of our brains that store our anxiety: relationships, illness, post-graduation jobs (or lack thereof), family issues, classwork, midterms, etc.  Even though our new academic year is only a few weeks old, our anxiety’s don’t know that.

The word “gospel” means “good news” and indeed there is good news to help us with our worrying: Luke 12:22-34. The message is clear: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life.”  When I shared this gospel story with my upperclassmen they remarked how important it was to be reminded that “God’s got our back!”  Amen!

If you are feeling worried or anxious, I invite you to find a quiet place and read Luke 12:22-34.  In addition, if you are feeling you need some inner rejuvenation and a space and time to connect spiritually, consider going on a retreat.  We have very expansive retreat programs (Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox, Hindu, Buddhist and Interfaith) that can fit your needs.  There are scholarships available, so we really encourage you to make a retreat part of your Georgetown experience.  If you want to learn more or have any questions, email

Jennie Reis , Director, Catholic Retreats and Immersion Programs

