Archive: Immersion

20 Articles


Learning to Meditate on my Own (in Community)

I was feeling pretty good about myself when I was asked to assist Fr. Laurence Freeman in conducting a meditation workshop in Taizé, France. I had recently spent a month living…

January 21, 2016


Encountering the Ultimate Reality

With the business of everyday life here on the Hilltop, it is far too easy to forget the ultimate reality: God walks with us throughout each step of our lives. When I find myself…

January 21, 2016


All the Senses: A Jewish Life Retreat Reflection

Friday nights at Georgetown are rarely quiet. Academic hubs by day become gathering spots for bumping parties, speakers and events. Every Friday—while many other Hoyas…

November 20, 2015


An ESCAPE from the Georgetown Bubble

I didn’t realize how much I missed a clear view of the night sky. The first month of my freshman year at Georgetown was so full of friends to make, classes and clubs to start…

October 22, 2015


#Follow4Follow – An Open Door Companions’ Dinner

As we wait for the Open Door Companions’ Dinner to start, we (the participants) sit and scroll through our phones. Here we are, at a dinner where the main goal is…

October 21, 2015


Called to Servant Leadership

Servant leadership. It is a term that we hear from time to time at Georgetown and that probably came up a bit more frequently in the wake of the Pope’s visit to D.C., but what…

October 5, 2015


Open Door Dinner: Are You Creating Life or is Life Creating You?

The questions are easy enough to anticipate.  They come right after I tell people I’m a senior in college. There is only the smallest of hesitations before I hear, “So’…

September 30, 2015


Magis: Jamaica Alternative Break – A Reflection

I spent my spring break as the leader of Magis: Jamaica, the first-ever Alternative Breaks Program trip organized by a collaboration between Campus Ministry and the Center for…

May 1, 2015


Magis Immersion Program Sets Sail for Jamaica!

Standing outside the Montego Bay airport amidst cab drivers and tourists scuttling to their destinations, I took in the sights alongside Amanda Munroe, the Social Justice…

February 9, 2015


Magis El Salvador: Spring Break Immersion

“Think back on your week. What was beautiful? What was challenging? What will you carry with you?” At the end of the week-long Magis El Salvador immersion trip this spring, I…

April 15, 2014