Archive: Jewish

32 Articles


Inspired to Create a New Podcast Initiative: Here Comes “Hilltop Chats”

It was June 10, 2015 and my girlfriend and I were returning from a post-graduation vacation to the Dominican Republic when I received the phone call. It was Dr. James Wickman…

September 26, 2016


A Lesson in Hope In Becraft’s Story: Part of the “As This Jesuit Sees It” Series

Written by Rev. Matthew Carnes, S.J., Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Latin American Studies. This article originally appeared on September 16, in the Hoya…

September 16, 2016


Jewish Spring Retreat: Creating a Brave Space for Introspection

It all began with the realization that gushers—yes, the childhood-favorite treat—are Kosher. No one could believe it. Gushers? Really? Some might argue they are even more…

July 27, 2016


A Call for Solidarity

Dear Members of the Georgetown Community:   In our distress at the fatal shootings of Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Sherman Evans and the Police Officers in Dallas last,…

July 8, 2016


Our Interfaith Response to the Mass Shooting in Orlando

Friends, We are a people in mourning as the deep wounds of hate confront us again. Tragically, in the midst of a month designated for unity—throughout which the LGBTQ community…

June 13, 2016


Dietary Restrictions Bring Jewish and Muslim Students Together

For students with religious dietary obligations, be they kosher, halal, or religious vegetarians, going to college can be difficult. Most schools require students to purchase a…

March 14, 2016


In our Hands: Jewish Life Student Initiatives

The Talmud teaches that God laughs when God’s own children surpass Him (excuse gender). L’havdil* this semester I find myself smiling from a very deep place in my…

February 19, 2016


Connecting Power Back to Mercy

What do an imam, a rabbi, and a catholic chaplain have in common? At first thought, the answer seems like it may take a while to find. The answer becomes even more challenging…

February 17, 2016


Hanukkah and Beyond: Time for Americans to Reclaim Our Story

Every year on Hanukkah, the Jewish people sing an ancient song that asks: Who will retell the story of our people? This year, I find myself recasting this age-old Hanukkah…

December 16, 2015


All the Senses: A Jewish Life Retreat Reflection

Friday nights at Georgetown are rarely quiet. Academic hubs by day become gathering spots for bumping parties, speakers and events. Every Friday—while many other Hoyas…

November 20, 2015