Archive: Pilgrimage

5 Articles


Impactful Immersion: Georgetown’s Magis Trip to Rome

Theology of Pilgrimage By Jennon Bell Hoffman Spring Break for college students can take on a lot of meanings. For students embarking on Magis Immersion Seminars (MIS), the…

May 9, 2024


An Unforgettable Umrah Experience

By Aminah Yusuf (SFS ’24) Back in my sophomore year at Georgetown, casual conversations among students sparked the idea of organizing an Umrah, an Islamic pilgrimage to…

April 24, 2024


Umrah: A Sense of Unique Groundedness

By Ikram Muhammedsani (H’25) The morning prayer, the first day we were in Medina, the city in which the Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him (PBUH) first established his,…

April 24, 2024


Building Community on Pilgrimage: Georgetown’s Orthodox Christian Life Journeys to Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine

By Alina Watson (H ’26) I was intrigued to learn about the opportunity to visit Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine in New York City with Georgetown&…

April 16, 2024


An Unforgettable Experience: Visiting Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine in New York City

by Christian Agathis (MSB’24) I was really excited to hear that the Orthodox Christian Chaplaincy at Georgetown was undertaking a pilgrimage to NYC. As a New Jersey native, I…

April 15, 2024