Archive: Retreats

54 Articles


Open Door Dinner: Are You Creating Life or is Life Creating You?

The questions are easy enough to anticipate.  They come right after I tell people I’m a senior in college. There is only the smallest of hesitations before I hear, “So’…

September 30, 2015


Serving Refreshment to the Class of 2019

I brought a lot of baggage when I attended reFRESHMENt in the fall of my freshman year. Literally, I brought multiple bags to reFRESHMENt, as I pack the same amount for two…

September 21, 2015


Come away and rest

The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away by yourselves…and rest a while.” People were coming and…

August 20, 2015


What Really Matters? An ESCAPEe Reflection

There is a lot of small talk during your first year of college. The top three most-heard phrases are probably “Where are you from?,” “What are you studying?,” and “What…

May 20, 2015


Five-Day Ignatian Retreat Reflection

My personal philosophy is,”Why say something in one word when you can use multiple sentences, exclamation points, and gifs?” So needless to say, the idea of me going…

April 22, 2015


World Community for Christian Meditation Easter Retreat

As I took my place on the hilltop early in the pre-dawn Easter Sunday morning, I could think of little else besides how tired I was after staying up for the late-night vigil…

April 15, 2015


In the Quietude of the Mind, in the Silence of the Heart

As a college student, my mind is never quiet, and it’s hardly ever composed. Anxious thoughts race and worries scatter, while doubts and second thoughts trail and linger.…

March 30, 2015


Orthodox Christian Fall Retreat

For over twenty years now, the Orthodox Christian Ministry at Georgetown University has held its annual overnight retreat at the Bishop Claggett Center in Buckeystown, MD. The…

March 20, 2015


HSA Winter Retreat Reflection

“Are you going on the Hindu retreat?” my friend’s text read. “I don’t know yet,” I replied. “I’ve never done anything like this.” Having only just figured out…

February 25, 2015


The Leap of Faith

As I pulled up the Chi Alpha website to register for retreat, my mind was going a million miles a second. Should I do this? But I don’t know anyone… do I even deserve to go…

November 13, 2014