Jewish Life Retreat

Grounded in the traditions of Judaism, our 25-hour Shabbaton (overnight Shabbat retreat) is truly a sabbath (rest) from the commotion of campus life. Through song and stillness, leisure time and learning ancient texts, and hiking or yoga or napping (!) we’ll engage in personal reflection, community building, and simple oneg (enjoyment of Shabbat). Our Shabbaton reliably fosters strong new friendships as we get to know others, and perhaps ourselves, a little better. So join us for a Shabbat va’Yinafash – a time of renewal and refreshment in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Who: Undergraduate students of all backgrounds are welcome to join us and experience Shabbat kodesh this way.

When: To be confirmed

Where: Calcagnini Contemplative Center, Bluemont, VA

Cost: Cost: $40 (fee waivers available upon request)

Questions? Email Jewish Life