
A Prayer for Baltimore

We are again confronted by images and reports that have become too common this past year. Violence has impacted the nearby city of Baltimore, and we mourn for their communities and ourselves. This is a violence born out of economic despair, racial inequality, and hopelessness. We grieve Freddie Gray and his tragic loss of life that sparked the current unrest; we name the disparities that are its fuel, and we commit ourselves to work for a different future.

As a Christian community, we ground our commitment and actions in our faith. Starting in our devotion to God, hearing the call of Christ, and inspired by the Holy Spirit to witness to hope, we offer this prayer for the people of Baltimore and for ourselves:

Eternal God,
Our hope and our help in times of trouble, we pray for the people of Baltimore. We ask that You look with compassion on the family and friends of Freddie Gray, comfort those who have been affected by the recent violence, and guide us to be instruments of Your peace.

Look upon the whole human family and take away the hatred that infects our hearts; teach us that we are all children of Your love. May Your will overrule human willfulness that we may find true justice and hope for tomorrow, in Baltimore and throughout our world.

Grant, O God that Your holy and life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart, that the barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatreds cease. May we, in the joy of a reconciled people, live together with true justice and lasting peace; through Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


Rev. Bryant Oskvig A4_FatherSchenden_KristenSkillmanbryantostvig
Protestant Chaplaincy Director

Rev. Gregory Schenden, S.J.
Roman Catholic Chaplain
