
Campus Ministry Announces New Protestant Chaplain

Georgetown has a new minister: Rev. Ebony Grisom. Rev. Grisom will be joining Campus Ministry as a Protestant Chaplain on the Law and Main Campuses.

Rev. Grisom is an ordained American Baptist minister. She received her Bachelor of Arts from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in African-American/African Studies and her Master of Arts from Providence College in American Studies. She completed her seminary education at Duke Divinity School, receiving a Master of Divinity with a concentration in Christian Education and a certificate in Gender, Theology and Ministry.

Rev. Grisom comes to us from the Ecumenical Poverty Initiative in DC, where she served as a director. There, she worked to recruit faith communities into the Initiative, implement plans to address the effects of poverty in local communities and develop strategies for advocacy with those communities.

From the Initiative, Rev. Grisom brings a lived understanding of the connection between faith and the fight against poverty. Rev. Bryant M. Oskvig, director of Protestant Ministry and chaplain of the McDonough School of Business, said of Rev. Grisom, “Rev. Grisom brings to Georgetown a significant background in social justice work and a deep passion for the Christian theological perspectives that inform these commitments.”

We’re looking forward to having Rev. Grisom here at Campus Ministry. When asked for comment, Grisom said, “I am grateful for the opportunity to serve Georgetown University and Campus Ministry. I look forward to learning and loving this campus, its students, and its greater community; contributing to Protestant Ministry’s work in building and sustaining a faithful worshipping community; and working closely with my colleagues in Campus Ministry on Main Campus and the Law Center. I am excited to see how God will weave our individual experiences, gifts and graces together this year and beyond.” 

To this year and beyond! Welcome Rev. Ebony Grisom!

by Jonathan Compo 

Jonathan is a senior at Georgetown and a staff writer for Campus Ministry.