
A Message From Rev. Kevin O’Brien to the Muslim and Jewish Students of Georgetown University


Georgetown University

17 January 2015

Dear students of the Jewish and Muslim communities,

The recent tragic events in Paris and elsewhere in Europe have affected us all deeply, in many, many ways. On behalf of my colleagues in Campus Ministry, I write to assure you of our support and esteem. We grieve with you for the loss of life. We stand with you in ardently rejecting anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and violence in all forms.

As a Catholic and Jesuit university long committed to inter-religious dialogue, we are a community who cherishes people of all backgrounds and beliefs. Especially in times like these, we affirm our commitment to Georgetown remaining a safe place for all religious communities to embrace their particular identities. The inter-religious understanding that we foster here at Georgetown offers a footing for all of us to work towards a lasting peace in our world. Our friendship across religious differences is the most powerful witness against bigotry and intolerance.

If we can be of any support, do not hesitate to contact us, or take advantage of other resources offered on campus. You can find information about these resources at You may file a bias-related incident report at:

I offer my gratitude for all that you, Imam Hendi, and Rabbi Gartner do to contribute to the religious and spiritual life of our campuses, and to the thoughtful exchange of ideas and experiences that enrich our learning community.

KOB Signature


Rev. Kevin O’Brien, S.J.
Vice President for Mission and Ministry

Mission and Ministry