
Music with a Message

As a member of Georgetown University’s Chapel Choir, I sing every Sunday at 9:30pm mass in Dahlgren. Our music serves as an elevation of prayer, a method of reflection for those who attend mass. One day during mass last year, I realized that we were singing about giving our time to help those less fortunate. I told my choir director I thought it would be wonderful if choir could participate in service as a group, to bring meaning into our voices when we sing. This year, we turned that thought into my position as our choir’s Social and Service Chair; I now help plan and organize several events each month to bring choir together in community for ourselves and for others.

Making sandwiches in Hoya Court for the homeless.

Making sandwiches in Hoya Court for the homeless.

We began the year with our Chapel Choir seniors volunteering at Martha’s Table in Anacostia. We all joined the club Friday Foods in making and bringing dinners to the homeless in Dupont Circle. We’ve enjoyed dinner together before rehearsal every other week, including BBQs when the weather was warm and a dinner with Fr. O’Brien this past November. Before we left for Christmas break, we exchanged Secret Santa gifts and enjoyed cookies and hot chocolate after caroling in Dahlgren Quad. It was a wonderful fall semester. We have not only shared genuine conversation and enjoyed each other’s company, but we have lived out the words of our music by reaching out to the homeless and hungry in D.C.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” – Matthew 25:40

Written by Anne Ewing, C‘16


Student Organizations