
Dismissed to Serve: 2016 Graduates Receive Service Grant

Dear Friends,

Each year, we have students who live out Georgetown’s Jesuit principle of becoming Women and Men for Others through various efforts. This is no more evident than in the decisions of our most recent graduates who have chosen work dedicated to service. Through their efforts in organizations such as Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Peace Corps, UNICEF and many more, these Hoyas demonstrate the best of this University.

As a result of the generosity of our Dahlgren donors and those who attended our Baccalaureate Mass, The Office of Campus Ministry has awarded Post-Graduation Service Grants to twenty-one of these extraordinary individuals.
These former students are going into service opportunities for the next phase of their lives, and this is a small way we can support them in this work.  Because of you all, the next generation of Hoyas are able to more freely give of themselves for the greater glory of God. For that, we express our deepest thanks.

With Thanksgiving,

Rev. Gregory A. Schenden, S.J., Roman Catholic Chaplain
