Archive: Programs

133 Articles


Impactful Immersion: Georgetown’s Magis Trip to Rome

Theology of Pilgrimage By Jennon Bell Hoffman Spring Break for college students can take on a lot of meanings. For students embarking on Magis Immersion Seminars (MIS), the…

May 9, 2024


Impactful Immersion: Georgetown’s Magis Trip to Jordan

Faith at the Crossroads: Religious Encounter in Jordan By Jennon Bell Hoffman In the fall of 2023, as Georgetown students finished their applications for the Magis Immersion…

April 30, 2024


Impactful Immersion: Georgetown’s Magis Trip to Korea

Korean Catholics and the Interfaith Quest for Justice By Jennon Bell Hoffman When Liz Elliott was twelve years old, she began teaching herself how to read Korean in order to…

April 16, 2024


Making Sandwiches and Fostering Friendships, Even Amidst Uncertainty

An interfaith event shows we are stronger together, even in times of conflict. On October 12, 2023, the Hindu Student Association (HSA), Jewish Student Association (JSA), and…

November 10, 2023


Sharing More than a Meal

How an Interfaith Dinner Set the Stage for New Perspectives and New Friendships By Bridgitte Isom (H’24) This month, Catholic Women at Georgetown hosted an interfaith…

October 10, 2023


The Gift of Residential Ministry

By Michelle Siemietkowski, (C’92, G’98), Catholic Chaplain and Resident Minister to off-campus students. Residential Ministers live in university residence halls and…

May 22, 2023


Foolish/Here We Are Again 

By Rev. TauVaughn Toney, Protestant Christian Chaplain. Sermon delivered Sunday, January 29, 2023 1 Corinthians 1:25-28  1:25 For God’s foolishness is wiser than human…

February 1, 2023


Integrating Jesuit Values in Professional Education

In his autobiography, St. Ignatius of Loyola describes a “great commotion at the university” that occurs after he gives the Spiritual Exercises to a few prominent teachers…

October 7, 2021


Black Catholic History is an Integral, Radical Part of Our History

On March 16, Catholic Ministry, the Department of History, along with several other co-sponsors hosted Dr. Shannen Dee Williams for a talk entitled “Black Catholic Historical…

April 9, 2021


Practicing Stillness, Silence and Simplicity in Virtual Community

At the John Main Center for Meditation and Interreligious Dialogue (JMC), we customarily offer two meditative readings as bookends to our silent mantra-based meditation. Echoing…

April 9, 2021