Archive: Reflections

358 Articles


Georgetown: A Sanctuary for Religious Practice, a Ground for Interfaith Service Programs

Attending the Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) Conference in Chicago this summer has made me appreciate the many religious services available in Georgetown. Compared to other…

September 22, 2014


“First to Love” and not “Love to be First”

All visitors while they waited for the doors of the Jesuit College in Majorca, Spain to open would hear the porter’s special greeting, “I’m coming, Lord” St. Alphonsus…

September 10, 2014


Lessons in Leadership and Love: NJSLC 2014

The National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference (NJSLC) provided us with a unique opportunity to interact with other student governments and learn what issues are facing our…

August 11, 2014



The “Crossroads” retreat here at Georgetown was born out of a desire to make Ignatian discernment principles accessible to undergraduate students facing career, vocation and…

May 21, 2014


Senior Reflections on Ignatian Retreats

“Going for the triple threat, are we?” Colleen laughed as we prepared to board the bus for the April Weekend Ignatian Retreat. She was right – over the course…

May 16, 2014


We live by faith, not by sight

I am both happy and saddened to be standing before you today, as this is a goodbye to a church and a body of people that I have grown to call my home—my family. But I hope as I…

May 12, 2014


We are Better Together

I still wear the bright blue wristband, adorned with the simple large letters of “We are Better Together.”  I can’t count the amount of times I’ve heard and read this…

May 9, 2014


Buddhist Meditation Retreat, Spring 2014

The Buddhist meditation retreat was a refreshing, calming getaway from the bustle of the Georgetown bubble. Our small group of about a dozen students made for an intimate setting…

May 1, 2014


Why Catholics See the Bible Differently than Protestants: The story behind the Catholic approach to Scripture.

In Catholic circles, the joke goes that if you want to quote from the Bible, find a good Protestant to help you. There is some truth to that. Catholics generally don’t know…

April 25, 2014


Festival of Colors

There was once an egoistic, demon king named Hiranyakashyapu who won over the kingdom of the earth and commanded everyone in his kingdom to worship only him. However, his own son…

April 22, 2014