
A note from Campus Ministry regarding religious service attendance

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Dear friends,

As Georgetown University looks forward to reopening fully this Fall, plans are being made for the return of the full religious services schedule on all of our campuses. Many factors are part of this planning process, including Georgetown’s vaccination requirement, current variants, and community spread. Our priority has been and continues to be the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff. 

We have greatly missed those from our alumni and neighborhood communities who are regular attendees of our services. We know that many of you have great affection for our campus sacred spaces from your time as a student, as an alum, or as a community member. 

As the new semester begins, Georgetown University will continue to restrict religious service attendance to students, staff, and faculty who are participating in the COVID protocol. We hope that the situation will end soon, and we look forward to the day when we can welcome our community of friends and alumni back. We will keep you informed as changes occur with updates on the Campus Ministry webpage.

Please keep us in your prayers as we keep you in ours, and join us in praying for an end to this pandemic.

Fr. Greg Schenden, SJ
Director of Campus Ministry