
Campus Ministry Announces New Protestant Chaplain

Rev TauVaughn Toney wearing a navy blue blazer, a bow tie and a check shirtDear Georgetown Community,

Protestant Ministry welcomes Rev. TauVaughn Toney as its new Protestant Christian Chaplain. Rev. Toney comes to Georgetown University with a wealth of ministry experience in the Church and academe. Previously, he served as the Minister to Youth and Young Adults and Digital Media Specialist at Trinity Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio and a campus minister at Hallelujah Church at Princeton University. Of his appointment to Georgetown University, Rev. Toney says, “I’m looking forward to bringing my experiences from working in campus ministry as well as traditional church ministry but I’m especially looking forward to participating in the many traditions of Georgetown while also creating new experiences and traditions with students in campus ministry.”

The Ohio native discerned his call to Georgetown, in part, because of its espoused values. “I admire Georgetown’s emphasis on the Jesuit traditions of caring for and educating the whole person as well as their prioritization of a “faith that does justice.” Rev. Toney earned a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Howard University and a Master of Divinity and Certificate in Black Church Studies from Princeton Theological Seminary. He is ordained in the American Baptist Churches USA and the National Baptist Convention.

Rev. Ebony Grisom, interim director of Protestant Christian Ministry, celebrates her new colleague’s arrival. “Rev. Toney is a pastor and a scholar; a deep, compassionate listener, an astute theologian, and a sound conversation partner. I am excited for our students to experience his ministry,” says Rev. Grisom.

“Rev. Toney is committed to a Gospel of justice that shares Jesus’ love through preaching, teaching, advocacy, and pastoral care. His arrival allows us to continue growing in faith and invites us to deepen our commitments to God and neighbor. I look forward to his individual and our shared ministry at Georgetown University,” says Rev. Grisom adding, she anticipates Rev. Toney will be an integral part of Protestant Ministry, especially its weekly worship, Sunday Night Worship.

With his arrival at the beginning of the Lenten season, Rev. Toney is characteristically contemplative as he begins his new assignment. He says, “I pray that I show up as all God has created me to be with all of the gifts God has entrusted to me in order effectively serve and build meaningful relationships with students and the Georgetown University community.”

Welcome to the Hilltop Rev. Toney!