
Inaugural message from Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ

When St. Ignatius of Loyola founded the Jesuits in 1540, he insisted that members of the Order write to one another regularly. For Ignatius, this correspondence was essential for maintaining bonds among a band of men whose home, they said, would be the road. That practice continues to this day, deepening what the Jesuits call the “union of minds and hearts” among them.

In this spirit, I inaugurate the Campus Ministry blog on our new website. The audience for the blog is different than that for the first Jesuits: I write not only to Jesuits, but to students, faculty, alumni, staff, and parents from a variety of faith traditions and backgrounds. The purpose of this electronic correspondence is the same: to cultivate community among the Georgetown family that extends from DC to Doha, and all points in between. In the months to follow, you will hear from my colleagues and students who are actively invested in the University’s centuries-old mission of integrating learning, faith, and service. Our hope is that this online engagement helps you feel more connected to Georgetown and to one another.

On our revamped website, you can find lots of helpful information about our work, but here in this blog, we will tell stories about what is happening in our ministries on the main campus, at the Med and Law centers, in our sacred spaces, on retreat at our new Calcagnini Contemplative Center, and on our justice immersion experiences.  We speak much about the Spirit of Georgetown, which the banners and images around campus proudly exclaim. But that Spirit comes alive in real people living in particular times and places and doing certain things, as they nobly strive to grow in faith, hope, and love.

In addition, we recognize that ours is a University ministry. Thus, we join our faculty in its commitment to theology as “faith seeking understanding,” to use an age-old definition.  While honoring the religious traditions that animate our life here, we will share some imaginative ideas and creative responses to the religious needs and deep spiritual hungers of our campus community, particularly young people.

As a Jesuit priest, administrator, teacher, and alumnus, I am very proud of all that our talented chaplains, staff, faculty and students are doing together to serve the greater glory of God and the pastoral needs of our very diverse community. As we connect across the miles, I look forward to our conversation animated by these blogs. Ignatius surely could not have imagined such a vehicle to unite hearts and minds, but the ever-entrepreneurial saint would be delighted by our common endeavor.


Kevin O’Brien, SJ Vice President for Mission and Ministry

Mission and Ministry