
RCIA at Georgetown

During my prayer this morning, I asked the Lord, “What do you want to bring about, what effect in the reader, by a blog entry on RCIA [Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults] and Confirmation, becoming Catholic on a college campus?”

Here are the words that came to mind: “I want my people to know my faithfulness to their well-being. I am always with them. I labor always for their salvation. Can a mother forget the child of her womb? So, I labor always, resting in the depths of their hearts, knocking.”

Hence, I envision myself as nothing more than a porter, not in the sense of the one who opens the door to the Lord’s knocking, but one who welcomes the ones who have already responded to the Lord’s knocking. I simply encourage my fellow pilgrims to cross the threshold towards Mother Church, the sacrament of Christ’s presence among us, alive with new life, their lives. My welcoming always begins with a tiny request, “If you are willing, tell me how you got here. Who were the persons, what were the experiences, that brought you to my office? Feel free to start with your childhood, tell me your life story from a religious perspective.”

Thus, the Lord re-evangelizes me. In this video, notice both the content and tone of the believers’ speech. Can you feel your soul quicken, relax, and smile? Join me in walking barefoot on this sacred ground of sacred stories and respond whole-heartedly to the Lord.

Dr. Ennio P. Mastroianni , Director of Adult Faith Formation

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Additional articles on RCIA at Georgetown can be found at the Catholic Sun website  and the Catholic Herald website .

