
Student Organization Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Rejoins Campus Ministry

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is thrilled to become an official student club this semester. Although the official club development process was only recently completed, FCA is not new to Georgetown. The history of FCA at Georgetown dates back to the 1970s when current President John DeGioia and former basketball coach John10922802_10152663856108511_1235625603937778376_n Thompson, Jr. started the group and were the only two members. FCA has grown over the years and now has over 50 members, including athletes from varsity and club sports, as well as non-student athletes.

FCA exists to provide a community of fellowship for student-athletes at Georgetown. As a student-run group, we support and encourage each other in our lives and in our sports, striving to glorify God and serve others in all that we do by pursuing the values of integrity (Proverbs 11:3), service (John 13:1-17), teamwork (Philippians 2:1-4), and excellence (Colossians 3:23-24). In doing so, we seek to to share God’s love and grace with the Georgetown community.10599286_10202748393418980_4655594468262988026_n

FCA meets every Thursday evening and recently finished a five-week group study of Bob Goff’s book “Love Does,” during which we learned about overcoming our fears so that we may live abundantly in God’s love. In March, FCA co-sponsored Chi-Alpha’s Run for Rescue 5K to raise money for Out of Darkness, an anti-sex trafficking organization. We capped off the semester with a cook-out in Alumni Square during study days.

FCA is very excited to become an official student club, and we look forward to seeing what the future holds as we continue to serve God in the athletic community.

– Nancy Hagwood, COL ’15

Student Organizations