
Tomorrow’s Election

electionMembers of the Georgetown Community:

We are quickly approaching the conclusion of one of the most bitter and divisive election seasons in recent memory. We have heard from many members of our campus community who are deeply concerned about the outcome and aftermath of this election for our nation. Amidst heightened fear and mistrust, how can we address the challenges we face as a country? How can we achieve our shared hopes for the future?

Our Jesuit heritage at Georgetown University equips us for this endeavor. In St. Ignatius’ writings, we find a “ground rule” for interaction known as the Presupposition, which calls us to assume the good intentions of others. Before we can judge, we must seek to understand what others really mean and how they have come to that understanding. The Presupposition, then, offers a point of departure from which discussions can flourish, a “common ground” from which mutual respect and understanding can root dialogues of transformation. While the campaigns may not have appeared to leave room for common ground or meaningful engagement, we can.

Let us stand together in the midst of our disagreements, committed to the common causes of justice in our country and peace in our world. In affirming our differences while embracing our common humanity, we can be a community in diversity. The anxieties of this election can be addressed by our willingness to rise above the rancorous rhetoric and stand together, as examples of possibility, in hope.

All are invited to join the diversity of chaplains from Georgetown University this Tuesday at 3:50 PM in Dahlgren Quad as we pray together for our community, the nation, our next president, and for peace and justice throughout our world.

In hope,
Rev. Howard Gray, S.J., Interim Vice President for Mission and Ministry
Rabbi Rachel Gartner, Director for Jewish Life
Imam Yahya Hendi, Director for Muslim Life
Rev. Bryant Oskvig, Director of Protestant Ministries
Rev. Gregory Schenden, SJ, Roman Catholic Chaplain
Brahmachari Vrajvihari Sharan, Director for Hindu Life
V. Rev. Constantine White, Director of the Orthodox Chaplaincy
