
Tragedy Calls Us to Be ‘People for Others’

Nice 2016This summer, we have been in frequent mourning for tragedies wrought upon our human family. The news seems to be full of incidents and actions of mistrust, misunderstanding, and violence, both here in this country and around the world. Given these events, the Georgetown call to become ‘people for others’ seems so much more acute. Our hearts and prayers are with the people of Nice this day.

We grieve the senseless loss of life, stand with the victims, and condemn violence in all forms, particularly when waged in the name of any religion. We pray that the response to these incidents may only serve to bind us together, and not divide us, as people and as religious communities committed to common values.

Any from the Georgetown University community are welcome to join others at the 12:10 Mass today, July 15th, at which prayers will be offered for the victims, for the people of Nice and for end of violence in our world.

In hope,
Rev. Greg Schenden, S.J., Roman Catholic Chaplain
Rabbi Rachel Gartner, Director for Jewish Life
Imam Yahya Hendi, Director for Muslim Life
Rev. Bryant Oskvig, Director of the Protestant Chaplaincy
V. Rev. Constantine White, Director of the Orthodox Chaplaincy
