
Tragedy in Nepal: A Letter from Rev. Kevin O’Brien S.J. and Andria Wisler, Ph.D

Dear Members of the Georgetown University Community,

As most of you are now aware, a devastating earthquake struck the nation of Nepal this past Saturday. According to news accounts from the region, thousands have died and thousands more are hurt and displaced. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those in the region during this traumatic time, as well as those who have family and friends in the area who may be affected.

We are working to contact members of our Georgetown community, from D.C. to Doha, who are in or from Nepal. If you know someone who has been affected by the tragedy, please contact The Office of Risk Management at (202) 687-6622 so that we can offer our help.

This Tuesday, April 28, at 4:00 p.m. in Dahlgren Quad, students and chaplains from the Office of Campus Ministry will host an interfaith prayer service for the victims and survivors of the earthquake. Opportunities to gather in prayer and solidarity will be announced for the other campuses.

Georgetown’s Center for Social Justice (CSJ) has set up a fund to support humanitarian aid and disaster relief to the area. Donations can be made here. All donations will be directed to a Jesuit-related organization on the ground in Nepal and a relief agency providing direct short or long-term assistance. Organizations are being vetted now and will be posted on the website. Students and staff will also accept donations at a table in Red Square or at the CSJ offices beginning on Monday.

Please know that we have many resources here on campus for those who may be affected by this tragedy. You can reach the Office of Campus Ministry at 202-687-5259. Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) is available at 202-687-6985. A CAPS staff member is on-call after hours and on weekends and can be reached by contacting the page operator at (202) 444-7243.

As a community we will continue to pray for all of those affected by this terrible tragedy. As we mourn the deaths of so many, we rely on our faith and trust in the resilience of the human spirit and the solidarity that binds us as human beings. Recognizing that the recovery will be long, we thank you for joining us in providing support, however possible, for the victims and survivors.


Rev. Kevin O’Brien, S.J.tlisi-wislerKevinOBrien32011_1
Vice President for Mission and Ministry

Andria Wisler, Ph.D
Executive Director
Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching and Service

Mission and Ministry