
Be the Light

Do you know what it means to “Be the Light?”

The National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference was an amazing opportunity to learn more about the issues facing other Jesuit campuses and to discuss and reflect on student advocacy methods.  We had very passionate breakout sessions around issues such as sexual assault and violence prevention, free speech and mental health.  It was very helpful to see how student leaders employed the Jesuit values and mission to improve the resources and opportunities on their campuses.

For me, the theme of the conference “Be the Light” reenergized the Jesuit values and mission behind all of the work that we do at Georgetown. Our university’s mission is focused around real-world applications of our research, scholarship, faith and service. Georgetown has the incredible perk of being placed in the nation’s capital, which is filled with unique resources and opportunities. Our capital, however, faces issues such as increasing crime rates and unequal educational opportunities.  NJSLC inspired me to use the tools that we have access to at Georgetown to make sure that our university serves as a light to improving our own community.  I felt a renewed responsibility for the issues facing the city of DC. I came to see my work in student government as service to making sure that Georgetown is continually striving to fulfill its mission of developing men and women for others who engage with the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members of the community.

I am very grateful for the mentorship, reflection and discussions facilitated by our advisor, Lisa Pannucci.  I am excited to start off the school year with this renewed sense of purpose and the energy to pursue it.

Written by Abbey McNaughton, C’16


Student Organizations