
Finding Your Voice Event Celebrates Women’s History Month

Protestant Ministry and the GU MLK Initiative is celebrating Women’s History Month with Finding Your Voice. The event will take place during Sunday Night Worship and will feature women in ministry from the Christian community discussing ideas of female empowerment.

Tiffany Lightfoot, Christian Life coordinator, and the Finding Your Voice organizer said, “Finding Your Voice is a speaker series designed to promote the voice of women in faith during Women’s History Month.”

Another reason for hosting Finding Your Voice, according to Reverend Bryant Oskvig, director of Protestant Ministry at Georgetown University, is to bring in new, diverse interpreters to the Sunday Night Worship community. “We want to reflect the gender diversity of our community. We are having women chaplains come in to name where they find their faith. It is a message that’s much broader.”

Lightfoot added, “We want to bring a different dynamic and a different voice to Sunday Night Worship.”

This Ecumenical series takes place over four Sundays, beginning on March 17 with Carmen Rosenblatt Fitzsimmons, Catholic Chaplain for Faith Formation at Georgetown presiding. The remaining speakers are, Rev. Khristi Adams Firestone Endowment, Chaplain/Instructor of Religious Studies, The Hill School (March 24), Rev. Alisa Lasater Wailoo, Lead Pastor, Capitol Hill, United Methodist Church (March 31), and Bishop Latrelle Easterling, Washington Area Resident Bishop, Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church (April 7). Each service begins at 7 p.m. at the Holy Trinity Church right across from Georgetown University.

Oskvig said, “For the Protestant, as well as Roman Catholic communities, the sermon is one of the central acts of worship. It is the proclamation of the Gospel; the reading of Scripture and the interpretation of it. And so, these women are taking the principal role in our worship services.”

Sunday Night Worship brings in about 75 people on average per week to the service. The congregants are mostly undergraduate students, with some graduate students as well. Protestant Ministry hopes Finding Your Voice will provide a new perspective to Christian worship. Please join Protestant Ministry to celebrate the wonderful contributions of women to the Christian community.

Finding Your Voice is presented by Georgetown University’s Protestant Ministry and MLK Initiative. See the event listing on Protestant Ministry’s Facebook page.

by Dustin Hartuv. Hartuv is a freshman at Georgetown and a staff writer for Campus Ministry.