
GU Brothers Fishbowl Blog Experience

Is there a right way to worship?  Am I the only one that struggles with my religious identity?  Does anyone else have problems navigating college and faith? What does he/she think about religion and faith? These are the questions of a typical Christian Protestant student here at Georgetown.  Chi Alpha and GU Sisters & Brothers for Christ sponsored an event solely based on opening the door to the Christian community and its many different narratives.

A few weeks ago, Christian student groups had the opportunity to engage with one another in a fishbowl event.  The fishbowl consisted of a social gathering and a dialogue spanning around a wide variety of topics.  The fishbowl, chairs arranged facing each other either as one giant circle or an inner and outer circle of participants and listeners, operated as an environment where Christian groups could get to know one another and their spiritual community.

Overall, the Fishbowl event was very successful.  There was an estimate of 30-35 students from various student groups.  Qdoba and beverages was served.  The dialogue was very productive.  The event began with a 30-45 minute segment for eating and socializing followed by 90 minutes of discussion.

One major key was the emphasis on culture exhibited through the decor.  Over the past three years the event has taken place in a member’s apartment and is culturally decorated.  We believe these components add to the atmosphere and expose many of the attendees to mini-cultural experiences.  Each of the facilitators, whom all have attended multiple fishbowl events thought the atmosphere was a key factor that helps set the tone of the experience.

The discussion section began with a reiteration that the space was an open space for all perspectives and opinions to meet in conversation while maintaining a safe nonjudgmental environment.  The topics ranged from critiques of particular Christian traditions to intimate and peer relationships.  Overall, the attendees left with a broader awareness of different experiences and perspectives of Christian perspectives.  It was exciting to hear so many different inputs, advice, and even discussions occur with such a diverse group of people.

This article was cowritten by the GU Brothers & Sisters for Christ. 

Student Organizations