
Hanukkah in Healy

Hanukkah 2013What a special thing it is to light the menorah, sing Hebrew songs, eat Jelly doughnuts and spin dreidles in the remarkable Healy foyer.

With sophomore Jason Gustdorf singing and playing guitar as wonderfully as any cantor, Fr. O’Brien smiling as bright as the candles, and campus clergy, students, faculty and administrators sharing gelt galore – it was an evening to remember.

The Jewish community at Georgetown shines bright this year.  Our joy is ever increasing as we celebrate Shabbat with more and more students each week;  Our Jewish learning is shedding Hanukkah 2013ever more light on life’s most pressing issues through weekly Makom Midrash Brunchs with Rabbi Gartner; Our Shabbat Retreats in the beautiful Calcagnini Contemplative Center, are gaining in popularity and deepening in meaning; and our students are exploring Jewish DC in increasingly diverse ways through our new DConnects inititative.

Hanukkah 2013
Next semester, our hearts, minds and stomachs will be filled ever more deliciously through the upcoming Global Gourmet Shabbat series.  The series will feature world cuisine and melodies from and teachings about Jewish communities across the globe.

Jewish life is aglow on campus, now and in every season.

May the lights of the season chase away sadness and draw you into joy.

Rabbi Rachel Gartner , Director for Jewish Life
