Ignatian Retreat

Encountering God in the Quiet: Ignatian Retreat
You’re invited to encounter God on a silent retreat grounded in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Amidst the serene beauty of the Calcagnini Contemplative Center and guided by Ignatian forms of prayer, participants will review their lives from a prayerful and God-centered perspective. This retreat is offered in the Christian and Catholic tradition and is open to people of all faith traditions.
Past retreatants found that the silence and opportunity for reflection provided much-needed respite and allowed for the deepening of their spiritual lives, sharing that “the stories told were powerful and guidance provided for prayers and quiet time very helpful.” Another retreatant shared that participation on the retreat “reaffirmed my commitment to the Jesuit philosophy of ‘Cura Personalis [care of the whole person]’.”
Through sacred silence, personal prayer and talks on Ignatian Spirituality, retreatants are encouraged to reflect on God’s presence in their lives. During the retreat, one-on-one spiritual conversations and group faith sharing are available if desired. For those who wish to attend, Mass will be celebrated in the chapel on Sunday morning.
Registration includes all meals, private rooms with bathrooms, and bus transportation between GU’s main campus and the Calcagnini Contemplative Center.
Priority registration is given to Georgetown faculty and staff. Limited space is available for alumni, graduate students, and undergraduate students. All registration is pending space availability. Interested undergraduate students must contact Fr. Jerry Hayes, S.J., jh1956@georgetown.edu before registering to gain permission to attend.
When: TBD
Registration Deadline: TBD
Where: The Calcagnini Contemplative Center, Bluemont, VA.
– GU Degree Students: TBD
– GU Faculty, Staff, Alumni, Non-Degree Students: TBD
– Those Who Made the Retreat Before, Spouses: TBD