Prayer in Daily Life

Prayer in Daily Life
During these uncertain, challenging times of social distance, join Ignatian Programs for a special virtual Prayer in Daily Life Retreat for the Georgetown community. Rooted in the spirituality of St. Ignatius, this retreat provides an opportunity for prayerful reflection.
The retreat opens with a virtual gathering of participants and spiritual directors, with an introduction to various ways of praying, including Ignatian Contemplative, and time for participants to meet with their spiritual directors. Each day during the following week, Monday through Friday, participants commit to 30 minutes of individual prayer with scripture and 30 minutes of reflection with a spiritual director to talk about the day’s prayer experience (these meetings will be virtual). At the end of the retreat, the group joins again virtually in fellowship and prayer to discuss the week. Participants must attend both of the Friday sessions.
Next Retreat: TBD
Georgetown University staff, faculty, alumni, and students are all welcome to participate. GU students will not be turned away due to lack of funds. If you need financial assistance, please contact Fr. Jerry Hayes, S.J.,