Archive: Catholic

115 Articles


A Pentecostal Prays The Exercises

Having been raised in an Assemblies of God church since birth, having an encounter with God through prayer was nothing new. Sunday nights were spent around the church altar…

July 27, 2016


Dismissed to Serve: 2016 Graduates Receive Service Grant

Dear Friends, Each year, we have students who live out Georgetown’s Jesuit principle of becoming Women and Men for Others through various efforts. This is no more evident…

July 27, 2016


Spending Time with HIM: Reflections from the Sisters and Daughters Retreat

When I received an email stating that there was more space available for the GU Sisters and Catholic Daughters Retreat, I really considered it.  Initially I had not considered…

July 26, 2016


My Choice for Spring Break: Faith & Politics

A few of my fellow Georgetown students and I participated in the Faith, Policy, and Politics Alternative Break Program through Georgetown University’s Center for Social. …

July 26, 2016


A Call for Solidarity

Dear Members of the Georgetown Community:   In our distress at the fatal shootings of Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Sherman Evans and the Police Officers in Dallas last,…

July 8, 2016


Our Interfaith Response to the Mass Shooting in Orlando

Friends, We are a people in mourning as the deep wounds of hate confront us again. Tragically, in the midst of a month designated for unity—throughout which the LGBTQ community…

June 13, 2016


A Week of Reflection on Human Dignity by Kevin O’Brien, S.J.

This week, Mission and Ministry supports two sets of campus events that go to the heart of who we are as a Catholic university. First, we support our student-led “Life,”…

April 18, 2016


Remembering Fr. Rick Curry, S.J.

It was a typical Sunday evening in Dahlgren Chapel, the Chapel Choir was busy rehearsing for the 9:30pm Mass, and student coordinators were preparing for the liturgy. As I was…

February 26, 2016


Georgetown Welcomes Jesuit Novice: Justin Grosnick, n.S.J.

Upon first entering the Society of Jesus, an individual is referred to as a Jesuit novice for the first two years until the time he professes first vows. During this time, a…

February 19, 2016


Rev. Greg Schenden S.J.’s Final Vows

Last Saturday we concluded Jesuit Heritage Week when Fr. Greg Schenden professed final vows in Dahlgren Chapel.  When I look back and reflect on that day, I am surprised to find…

February 18, 2016