Archive: Catholic

115 Articles


Inspiration and Meaning: Pope Francis and Jesuit Education

Rev. Kevin O’Brien, S.J., Vice President for Mission and Ministry at Georgetown University, inspired colleagues, friends, and alumni of Jesuit institutions at the Loyola Club…

February 18, 2016


Justice and Mercy in Jesuit Aid: a Pairing of Panels

As a part of Jesuit Heritage Week, we held two panels, one on Jesuits and Justice in D.C., and one on Jesuit Service in Latin America. I was particularly struck by this piece of…

February 18, 2016


Connecting Power Back to Mercy

What do an imam, a rabbi, and a catholic chaplain have in common? At first thought, the answer seems like it may take a while to find. The answer becomes even more challenging…

February 17, 2016


A Spirituality of Accompaniment: a Sacred Lecture with Rev. Hollenbach, S.J.

Rev. David Hollenbach, S.J. delivered his lecture on a date that marked two important events. It was the opening of Jesuit Refugee Services’ “Mercy in Motion” campaign,…

February 16, 2016


A Beginning and An End: Nineteen Years of Jesuit Formation

Nineteen years. Forty percent of my life here on Planet Earth. That’s how long I’ve been a Jesuit. Nineteen years. It’s not uncommon at significant moments in one’s life…

February 16, 2016


Music with a Message

As a member of Georgetown University’s Chapel Choir, I sing every Sunday at 9:30pm mass in Dahlgren. Our music serves as an elevation of prayer, a method of reflection for…

February 11, 2016


“Proceeding” after Jesuit Heritage Week

  “Ignatius and his followers began their preaching in poverty. They worked with the powerful and the powerless, with princes, kings and bishops, but also with the women…

February 11, 2016


A Heart on Fire: Matthew Ippel, SJ

Comforting a young Central American migrant struggling to compose himself during the holiday party because celebrating this time of year is difficult when he is so far from his…

February 4, 2016


And the Glory was Revealed

On December 4th, I stood up on the altar of Holy Trinity Church along with my fellow members of the Chapel Choir and members of the Dahlgren Contemporary Choir and Gospel Choir…

February 4, 2016


Encountering the Ultimate Reality

With the business of everyday life here on the Hilltop, it is far too easy to forget the ultimate reality: God walks with us throughout each step of our lives. When I find myself…

January 21, 2016