Archive: Muslim

36 Articles


Tweets from the Prophet Muhammad – A Catholic Perspective

I have had many unique experiences this year as a student worker in the Office of Campus Ministry. I am Catholic and work on interfaith events, which include both Muslim and…

March 10, 2016


Connecting Power Back to Mercy

What do an imam, a rabbi, and a catholic chaplain have in common? At first thought, the answer seems like it may take a while to find. The answer becomes even more challenging…

February 17, 2016


Overcoming Evil: Thoughts on San Bernardino from a GU Alum

Brian St. Clair (SFS’06) was one of the original student leaders at Georgetown’s establishment of the John Main Center. He and I used to sneak into Copley Crypt late…

December 17, 2015


O’Brien Expresses Solidarity With Muslim Community

Vice President for Mission and Ministry Fr. Kevin O’Brien, S.J. penned a letter in support of Georgetown’s Muslim community Thursday, emphasizing the university’s…

November 30, 2015


Encouraging Self-Love and Discouraging Arrogance (Qiyamul-Layl)

Self-love and self-confidence are two ideas whose practices must be balanced. A lack of self-love or self-confidence is as equally devastating as an excess of self-love or self…

October 23, 2015


An Opportunity for Peace (Eid/Yom Kippur Break Fast)

Eid al-Adha and Yom Kippur overlap once every 33 years, and I was lucky enough to be in Georgetown when both holidays coincided this year. Days before the two holidays, I…

October 23, 2015


Reestablishing Women’s Importance

When I was a child, my mother told me many stories about the Sahabah (companions of the Prophet), and my favorite was the story of Khadijah. Khadijah was the first wife of the…

October 22, 2015


Reclaiming Holiday Spirit

What does holiday spirit feel like? Thirteen years ago, as a young girl in the middle of a thriving Muslim community in Mobile, Alabama, I could have given you a detailed answer.…

October 22, 2015


An Invitation to Dinner with a Prophet

Last month’s Dinner with a Prophet focused on the role of Maryam and her mother. Maryam’s mother wanted a boy, so he would serve Jerusalem. When she gave birth to�…

October 22, 2015


A United Community of Faith Rising Above Our Differences: Reflections on the Chapel Hill Vigil

The tragic and sudden loss of Deah Shaddy Barakat, Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha, and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha startled the entire world. I was shocked when I received news of their…

June 22, 2015