Archive: Muslim
36 Articles
- Programs
- Reflections
Tweets from the Prophet Muhammad – A Catholic Perspective
I have had many unique experiences this year as a student worker in the Office of Campus Ministry. I am Catholic and work on interfaith events, which include both Muslim and…
March 10, 2016
- Reflections
Connecting Power Back to Mercy
What do an imam, a rabbi, and a catholic chaplain have in common? At first thought, the answer seems like it may take a while to find. The answer becomes even more challenging…
February 17, 2016
- Reflections
Overcoming Evil: Thoughts on San Bernardino from a GU Alum
Brian St. Clair (SFS’06) was one of the original student leaders at Georgetown’s establishment of the John Main Center. He and I used to sneak into Copley Crypt late…
December 17, 2015
- News
O’Brien Expresses Solidarity With Muslim Community
Vice President for Mission and Ministry Fr. Kevin O’Brien, S.J. penned a letter in support of Georgetown’s Muslim community Thursday, emphasizing the university’s…
November 30, 2015
- Programs
Encouraging Self-Love and Discouraging Arrogance (Qiyamul-Layl)
Self-love and self-confidence are two ideas whose practices must be balanced. A lack of self-love or self-confidence is as equally devastating as an excess of self-love or self…
October 23, 2015
- Programs
An Opportunity for Peace (Eid/Yom Kippur Break Fast)
Eid al-Adha and Yom Kippur overlap once every 33 years, and I was lucky enough to be in Georgetown when both holidays coincided this year. Days before the two holidays, I…
October 23, 2015
- Programs
- Reflections
Reestablishing Women’s Importance
When I was a child, my mother told me many stories about the Sahabah (companions of the Prophet), and my favorite was the story of Khadijah. Khadijah was the first wife of the…
October 22, 2015
- Reflections
Reclaiming Holiday Spirit
What does holiday spirit feel like? Thirteen years ago, as a young girl in the middle of a thriving Muslim community in Mobile, Alabama, I could have given you a detailed answer.…
October 22, 2015
- Reflections
An Invitation to Dinner with a Prophet
Last month’s Dinner with a Prophet focused on the role of Maryam and her mother. Maryam’s mother wanted a boy, so he would serve Jerusalem. When she gave birth to�…
October 22, 2015
- Reflections
A United Community of Faith Rising Above Our Differences: Reflections on the Chapel Hill Vigil
The tragic and sudden loss of Deah Shaddy Barakat, Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha, and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha startled the entire world. I was shocked when I received news of their…
June 22, 2015