Archive: Retreats

54 Articles


Finding Purpose in Rest: My Experience at the Protestant Ministry Retreat

By Aidan Munroe (C’27) Going into the Protestant Ministry Retreat, I had just finished another hectic week on the Hilltop. Knowing that the retreat was centered around the…

May 15, 2024


Finding Unity in Diversity

By Roudah Chaker, C’24 As a Muslim student at Georgetown, the past few months have been a challenging journey, navigating through a landscape marred by current events that have…

April 15, 2024


The Things We Value and Strive For

Paul Rochford is a sophomore in the College majoring in History and minoring in Russian and Jewish Civilization How has this semester been for you so far? Returning to Georgetown…

November 29, 2017


Finding Community Through ESCAPE

Dajour Evans is a sophomore in the College and an ESCAPE leader. The Dajour from this time last year had it more together than I do right now. At that point in my life, I was a…

November 20, 2017


What I’ve Done Matters Less Than Who I’ve Become

Sophomore Truc Nguyen is a human science major in the NHS. Here, she reflects on her time at the Montserrat Retreat. Catholic Ministry’s annual sophomore retreat. How has…

November 7, 2017


Finding God’s Presence in Everyday Life

Eva Lucchino, COL’19, is an English major and history and theology minor. This year, she is serving the Hoya community as a Catholic Retreats Leader. While junior year has…

November 1, 2017


Finding Nachas at the Jewish Life Retreat

Something we love talking about here at Georgetown is “cura personalis,” or care of the whole person. What exactly does this mean? For some, it refers to self-care: taking…

March 3, 2017


The Importance of Awareness: A Reflection on the CM Student Leadership Retreat

The Campus Ministry Student Leadership Retreat is an annual, interfaith overnight opportunity for leaders from across our programs. Students share and build upon existing…

January 19, 2017


The Perfect ESCAPE Weekend

The last time I went to the Calcagnini Contemplative Center, I packed my bag full of worksheets, practice exams, and review problems—I think I even brought my calculator in. …

January 9, 2017


My Penultimate Jewish Life Retreat

The semi-annual Jewish retreat is always an event I look forward to. Georgetown often gets a bit too hectic, and disconnecting from it for 28 hours is a great way of stopping to…

December 8, 2016