Archive: Retreats

54 Articles


Weaving Webs, Building Community

When I hear reflection, I think silence. I picture a peaceful place, quiet and secluded, away from the busyness that that occupies so much time and takes up so much mental space.…

February 18, 2016


Feeling the Force: Star Wars and Spiritual Truth

The wonderful thing about attending a Companions’ Dinner is that you know that any topic will bring about a fruitful conversation. However, I would have never thought that an…

February 16, 2016


Reflection, Leadership, and the “Cupid Shuffle”

There is something about the “Cupid Shuffle” which has a remarkable way of bringing people together. I sat in the Arrupe Community Room during the Campus Ministry Student…

February 12, 2016


Cura Personathletes

This past weekend I attended the inaugural Hoya Athlete Retreat. The Hoya Athlete Retreat was created this year in order to give Georgetown student athletes an opportunity to…

February 11, 2016


The Power of Reflective Conversation

Is it possible to have experiences at Georgetown but miss the meaning of them? This question, raised from a powerful talk by Rev. Kevin O’Brien S.J. at the Campus Ministry…

January 28, 2016


Learning to Meditate on my Own (in Community)

I was feeling pretty good about myself when I was asked to assist Fr. Laurence Freeman in conducting a meditation workshop in Taizé, France. I had recently spent a month living…

January 21, 2016


Encountering the Ultimate Reality

With the business of everyday life here on the Hilltop, it is far too easy to forget the ultimate reality: God walks with us throughout each step of our lives. When I find myself…

January 21, 2016


All the Senses: A Jewish Life Retreat Reflection

Friday nights at Georgetown are rarely quiet. Academic hubs by day become gathering spots for bumping parties, speakers and events. Every Friday—while many other Hoyas…

November 20, 2015


An ESCAPE from the Georgetown Bubble

I didn’t realize how much I missed a clear view of the night sky. The first month of my freshman year at Georgetown was so full of friends to make, classes and clubs to start…

October 22, 2015


Called to Servant Leadership

Servant leadership. It is a term that we hear from time to time at Georgetown and that probably came up a bit more frequently in the wake of the Pope’s visit to D.C., but what…

October 5, 2015