Archive: Service

11 Articles


Racial and Economic Justice in Baltimore

In this interview with senior, Courtney Maduike, she reflects on her MAGIS Immersion trip to Baltimore. Another in a series of reflections about Alternative Break Programs (ABP)…

May 3, 2017


Jamaica: An International Immersion Experience

In this interview with Rev. Brandon Harris, he discusses his Magis excursion to Jamaica. Harris reflects on notions of community and shared humanity, and what happens to a…

May 3, 2017


Red Cloud High School Teams with Georgetown Prep and Georgetown University, Advocating to Reroute the Dakota Access Pipeline

Last month, the first-ever delegation from Red Cloud High School attended the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice in Washington, D.C. While there, four students from the Jesuit…

December 8, 2016


Music with a Message

As a member of Georgetown University’s Chapel Choir, I sing every Sunday at 9:30pm mass in Dahlgren. Our music serves as an elevation of prayer, a method of reflection for…

February 11, 2016


Magis: Jamaica Alternative Break – A Reflection

I spent my spring break as the leader of Magis: Jamaica, the first-ever Alternative Breaks Program trip organized by a collaboration between Campus Ministry and the Center for…

May 1, 2015


Magis Immersion Program Sets Sail for Jamaica!

(new window)Standing outside the Montego Bay airport amidst cab drivers and tourists scuttling to their destinations, I took in the sights alongside Amanda Munroe, the Social…

February 9, 2015


Missouri Hope

Stepping onto Georgetown’s campus three years ago, I had already been told of the importance of the Spirit of Georgetown and its accompanying nine values. Over the past weekend…

October 15, 2014


Chaplains-in-Residence Host Neighborhood Clean-Up

On Saturday April 26, Chaplains-in-Residence from Alumni Square and East Campus collaborated with the Office of Neighborhood Life, RAs from Alumni Square & Townhouses, and…

June 4, 2014


Solidarity in Action

“How can we use the example of Pope Francis to integrate solidarity and spirituality” was the topic of discussion during John Carr’s talk on “Solidarity in Action.”…

March 29, 2014


Bring on the Books

I grew up as an only child, without a dog, in a small town in Central Massachusetts. Cue the image of a child throwing a tennis ball to himself against a wall – much of my…

March 6, 2014