
Catching the Holy Spirit


I have attended Georgetown for the past seven semesters, and I’ve had the privilege of being a member of the Gospel choir for every single semester. In this time period, I went from timid fourth row alto to self-proclaimed alto section hype woman. To say the Gospel choir is a club is a bit reductionist. Gospel choir is a family. Gospel choir is my family. Phil is the patriarch. The board is the matriarch. While we spend the entire semester preparing for the concert, we’re never just learning music. We’re finding keys. We’re learning the ins and outs of clapping on beat and reviving old section rivalries. St.Williams Chapel has seen more love and ministry than most. This love binds us together every Thursday and Sunday night.

We took that love with us to Lohrfink Auditorium. There was foot stomping, swaying, rhythmic clapping, crying, and every emotion in between. In fact, I’m sure that at least one person caught the Holy Spirit. The best part of the concert is the end when current students ask when and where Gospel choir auditions will be held next semester. Because then, the members of my family and I, we have the privilege of responding with a smile, “Gospel choir doesn’t have auditions. We are a ministry. Not a performance group.”

I’m grateful to have one more semester of ministry left.

Written by Alexis Oni-EselehC’16

Student Organizations